RL error ?

Official classic waterskiers Ranking lists
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RL error ?

Post by SAUSAU »

I can not see one of the last result of my son on the updated rankinlist
Competition : 21FRA031
Ranking Id: FRA982023614
And I don't understand why Andreas Tofas is number 9 with 0,5/52/13, and my son number 10 with 2/52/13 ??
Thanks a lot for your help
Site Admin
Posts: 256
Joined: 26 Jun 2010, 14:07

Re: RL error ?

Post by admin »

Hi Stéphane,

1) 21FRA031 competition scorebook was not received before the last publication.
It is now included.

2) It could help to read how the ranking list is made here.
It said that the ranking lists are made on the total of best 2 performances.
Without 21FRA031, the total of buoys of the 2 best performances of Andreas Tofas was more that the total of buoys of the 2 best performances of Thimoté.
with the competition 21FRA031, Thimoté is now before Andreas.

RL Admin
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